Basis works with the Estate of Buddy Holly
September 18, 2011
We are thrilled to announce that we are working with the estate of Buddy Holly. Visit and like Buddy on facebook
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Basis on NPR
March 18, 2009
In March of 2009 we were contacted by American Public Media/NPR’s Marketplace Morning Edition to comment on branding during a recession and specifically about Starbucks. They found our humble blog while searching for “recession brands” and decided to get in touch.
Basis Is Semifinalist In National Capital Business Ethics Awards
October 18, 2007
Each year, the Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP) conducts a thorough investigation into ethical conduct among area businesses. As part of a nationwide effort, the local FSP chapter works with George Mason University statistics and journalism students to do the first round of interviews. Afterwards, one of the FSP judges spends a day at each of the nominated firms, observing, interviewing staff, and asking questions. Finally, the judges contact past and current customers, employees, and vendors before making their decision. Basis made it to the final round and was recognized today at a dinner for 400 FSP members - a tremendous achievement and honor. Other companies nominated in the same category included Association Management Bureau, F.B. Harding, Inc., Henggeler Computer Consultants, Kerns Group Architects, P.C., and Wholesale Equipment Brokers, Inc.
Basis Wins Acacia Federal Savings Bank Nice Guys Award
September 19, 2007
Among the 198 business nominated, Basis placed second in the Acacia Nice Guys Award today. The event featured not only businesses, but also nonprofits as well as individuals who had a significant role in the community. It was begun in order to highlight positive change and efforts to balance some of the more grim news and events that seems so prevelant in our lives. It has grown from a banquet consisting of a handful of individuals to a celebration including hundreds.
Basis Wins Excellence In Business Philanthropy Award
June 12, 2007
Basis was honored by the Washington Business Journal and Greater DC Cares at the 10thAnniversary Business Philanthropy Summit in Washington, DC, receiving 1 of 4 philanthropy awards. In recognition for CreateAThon and Basis' efforts towards giving back to the nonprofit community, the agency was awarded the Excellence in Business Philanthropy: Total Contributed Dollars as a Percentage of Pre-Tax Dollars Award. This category,recently added to the Summit, is an effort to recognize smaller businesses whose contribution is measured in proportionate rather than absolute amounts. In addition to Basis, other winners this year included Raffa, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae.
Fairfax County Selects Basis As Agency Of Record
December 1, 2006
In a new initiative to connect the many resources the County creates to new audiences, Fairfax County selected three agencies to support their efforts, one of which is Basis. ÒThis is a logical next step for us to add to our campaign and nonprofit work. The departments of Family Services, Park and Human Resources are great matches for us, and we look forward to learning about the others that are in different arenas than our other nonprofit clients,Ó notes Harris Eisenberg, BasisÕs Manager of Client Services.
Basis Featured In Premier Issue Of Create Magazine
July 1, 2005
Today, Basis was featured in the premier issue of Create Magazine. "It represents who we are and why we do what we do really well," comments Matt Langley, Basis' Creative Director. The article describes the studio specialty: cause-related branding, and goes on to outline its culture and method of work.
Basis Featured In Washington D.C.: The Conscience Of America
December 12, 2004
Today, in conjunction with the Washington Historical Society, Heritage Media Corp. Publishers released their new volume, Washington D.C.: The Conscience of America, which features Basis' story, along with other significant D.C. corporations and their role in the community, the D.C. economy, and overall D.C. tapestry of working life. The book, written by Rex M. Oppenheimer, features sections on Washington neighborhoods, the areaÕs immigration history and diversity, and the marketplace this area represents: technology, education, business and finance, as well as professional services corporations, including Basis.
Basis-Designed Toolkit Sent To Congress
March 15, 2004
The EITC information kit, commissioned by Corporate Voices for Working Families, was sent to the National Chamber of Commerce, among many other nationally known corporations, for their use. According to a chamber official it was "one of the first things that caught our attention about EITC because of the design." As a result, the Chamber commissioned several hundred more kits to be sent to the US Senate and House of Representatives. Basis rose to the cause, coordinating a second press run in record time.
Corporate Voices EITC Campaign Highlighted In The News
January 5, 2006
Associated Press, The Chicago Sun Times, and The Washington Post have featured stories about the EITC Corporate Voices campaign, spurred by the toolkits designed at Basis. According to the Associated Press, "an organization of large employers with low-wage workers called Corporate Voices for Working Families started a campaign to teach employers how to introduce the concept of credit to their workers. It's very much a hand-holding process," said Marriott Vice President Donna Klein, president of Corporate Voices for Working Families. "It almost needs to be explained to employees on a one-to-one basis. About 75 percent of those eligible for the credit claim it, according to IRS statistics."
Many of the stories above are about Mediastudio, which changed its name to Basis in 2008.